Aimless But True Ramblings

These are the aimless, but true ramblings in this person's "so-called life."

Saturday, May 03, 2003

Vanilla Sky has got to be the most thought provoking movie that I have seen in a very long time. It was kind of freaky, and I promised myself I would never watch it because of the whole Tom Cruise/Penelope Cruz stuff that happened during the filming of that movie, but I'm glad I was bored last night, and renounced that promise. Basically, the movie's theme is about treating people with respect, considering the consequences of our actions, and paying attention to the small details in our lives. It sounds very cliche I know, but it is truth. It really made me think about how I never stop to look at the whole picture, and how I never pay attention to the little things in my life. Here are some quotes from the movie that I found inspiring:

"Ah, but how could I enjoy the sweet of life without the bitter?"

"Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around."

"Most of us live our whole lives, without having an adventure to call our own. What is any life without the pursuit of a dream?"

"It's the little things...there's nothing bigger is there?"

So I've taken a new direction. I'm going to start paying attention, and I'm going to open my eyes.

Friday, May 02, 2003

Yesterday the "Best of..." thing was pretty scary. As soon as we got off the bus they started running at us with a camera and a microphone, and telling us we needed to get our portraits done. Then we had to go and do an interview on TV. I was still half asleep! Then we had to do the ending of the show, and the promos for it with Rick Williams and Monica Malpass. It was quite annoying constantly having to stand there and do the same thing over and over for an hour. I guess this is why I'm not getting involved in show business. Luckily the end of the day was nice, and we walked around Longwood Gardens, and they gave us a nice gift of a clock and a Teddy Bear. I met some crazy cool cats, and had an overall ok day. So it was all good in the end. YEAH B.O.C. OF 2K3!

I wish I was going to this party for my friend tonight, but I don't have a ride. Its ok, I'm really tired, and I don't think anyone really wanted me there anyway. They were just talking about it in front of me, and they asked me to come to be nice. That's what I've turned into for some reason. Someone who isn't really friends with anyone....just there. Even my best friend has been acting dfferently towards me. I have done nothing to deserve this different treatment. Maybe this is a part of moving on and distancing yourself from your friends. I don't know why they are starting so soon because we only have a month left together. Maybe its the whole prom stuff....I don't know. Whatever it is...I just feel very alone right now.

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Well today at my school we had a bomb scare. It sounds more ominous than it is. We basically sat outside in the sun for an hour and a half while they had a dog sniff our school. Then, when they found nothing, we were sent back inside. I still had to take my calc final, and we were not dismissed until normal time. Strangely, I'm really complacent about it all. The only thing I'm pissed about is that I didn't eat lunch until 2 and I have a sunburn from being outside on the blacktop. Some people are so stupid. Apparently, the kid who wrote the letter didn't even spell my high school's name right. Come on people, if you are going to make a threat and disrupt my day, at least have the decency to spell-check.

On a lighter note, I was asked to be a part of 6 ABC's "Best Of The Class" special. Its not as big as it sounds...I'm just fourth in line. The top three people couldn't make it, so I had to take their place. I never thought I would be the one doing it though. I've watched for years and years, but I knew I wasn't valedictorian, so they wouldn't pick me. Well things have a way of working out. So anyway, tomorrow I have to go to Longwood Gardens and spend a day with smart people discussing smart topics of which I have to pretend I'm smart and actually know something. Hopefully I'll be on TV on an interview, but if not everyone can at least see my picture. Well...I'll let you know how it went. Ciao! :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

IT'S PLAYOFF TIME!!! GET FLYERED UP! Yes ladies and gentlemen the Flyers are on and they are winning this third game of the series so far 1-0. I am wearing their jersey to rally the spirits and have them win this game. I love the Flyers dearly, and I hope they win the holy grail of hockey. Yes I am talking about the Stanley Cup.

I would like to dedicate this song to a special person in my life...."You light up my life..." Ok that's all I'm gonna sing for now. But I just want to say, you rock my world, babe! HAHA! :)

Monday, April 28, 2003

Today was senior cut day. Why didn't I cut do you ask? Because I was threatened with death by my AP teachers if we dared to cut. Tests are in a week and a half, and they are freaking out. However, teachers decided to cut today too. There were like ten teachers absent!

I had a goal this morning when I woke up and it was to spend the whole day talking like Yoda. Succeed I did not. It takes like ten seconds for your brain to switch the subject and a verb in a sentence. But tomorrow is a new day, and I will find the strength to do it. Why the sudden interest in Yoda? Well mainly because Yoda is my newest hero. He is a wise wise man and I love him dearly. Especially when he kicks ass with his light saber in the Attack of The Clones.

Sick I am. Yes very very sick. My throat is killing me and I need sleep, but I will not find it until my bedtime tonight, as I have to go to a meeting tonight to arrange this music therapy show I'm helping with for the oncologist convention in May. Will the rush ever stop? I don't think so. Excuse me...Think so I don't! :) Until tomorrow my jedi friends....

Sunday, April 27, 2003

Well today had to be one of the best baseball viewing moments in the history of my life. Millwood got a no-hitter at the Phillies game today, and I will keep my scorecard forever. The only downfall about today is that I have sunburn because I forgot my suntan lotion. I am a pale pale person and suntan lotion always helps when you are outside for five hours in the sun. Flyers are winning at the moment and they need to keep it up. If they don't win this game i fear they will lose the series, and another season would have been wasted for me. Tomorrow I have to go back to school despite the fact that it is senior cut day. I have to come in for my AP classes. BAD BAD BAD. Ah the trials and tribulations of a senior in high school....