Well now its time for an update!
-Spent New Year's at the mountains with my Dusty, and got my first ever New Year's kiss so it was a good night. :)
-Grades were crap, but I needed a kick in the ass. Next semester, I'm feeling the 4.0
-Driver's test is this Saturday at 1:30 p.m., so please pray for me.
-The new camcorder is driving me crazy by transporting crappy video to my computer, but after 45 minutes of a zen workout (ok, not really, more like 45 minutes of pilates and me realizing that I am out of shape like whoa) I've decided to just deal with it, because at least it is better than nothing.
-New Year's Resolutions:
Get in better shape (which I started today :-D)
Get my license and a car (hopefully, Saturday will be it)
Get my ass in gear for getting ready for grad school
Be a nicer person (because let's face it, bitches, I am not the sweet girl I was in high school)