Aimless But True Ramblings

These are the aimless, but true ramblings in this person's "so-called life."

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

"My idea of heaven is taking my shoes and my bra off when I get home from work." -Audrey

Yes, those were the inspiring words of my office mate today. We were discussing how some people at the office are highly stressed out, and need to take some major pills. And get an attitude adjustment. Anyway, it was an interesting day when they put a new computer at my desk, right at the moment I was expecting a conference call from Australia. So, again I had to reschedule with the guy from Australia...this makes three times.

I realize I haven't imposed any "feelings" on you lately. That's because I haven't had any. Odd, isn't it?

Monday, August 11, 2003

So yeah, funny story. Today while I was walking down the hallway coming back from lunch at work, I saw a really hot, young doctor coming my way. So of course, me being the charming person I am, I started to pretty much flirt with him using body language. Well as he got closer, my sandal hit a snag in the floor and I tripped and fell flat on my face. LOL :) Needless to say, Mr. Doctor Man did not help me, but I sat there laughing at myself for a good two minutes. He probably thought I was crazy, but hey, at least I know how to laugh at myself. I'm thinking about submitting this one to Seventeen, think it will get published? I could sign it... Dazed and Confused, from Missouri. Only thing is...I'm not from Missouri. :) So I learned a lesson today....when flirting with hot, young doctors...make sure you watch where you are going.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Tom Cruise, how do I love thee....let me count the ways. I am watching Jerry McGuire now. He is smokin! Anyway, I have found a new love, other than Tom Cruise. Colin Ferrell is now my hottie. He's Irish, has a brogue, and is hot as hell. So, Tom Cruise has been put on the backburner, even though I have to admit he does make me melt when he says, "You complete me." Today was riveting let me tell you. I went to a barbeque/birthday party for my four and seven year old cousins, and I. There's nothing like playing Yugi-Oh with a seven year old boy! Especially when you are beating the pants off him. (I realize that sounded really bad, but you know what I mean.) Ok, I know...I'm sad. I'm a sad and pathetic person. But hey, something has to keep me occupied!