Aimless But True Ramblings

These are the aimless, but true ramblings in this person's "so-called life."

Friday, October 01, 2004

Yeah, my family is having a field day with this silver chloride thing on my hands. My uncle made this picture.

Luckily it hardened somewhat today and I could scrape a lot of it off. Its still there...but only in spots now.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

You know how I said that thing about my chem lab going wrong? Well it did. I got some sort of substance all over my hands that won't come off. If it was silver or zinc which I think it's gonna be there for a long time. Fuck lab.

Fuck myself too. I forgot to bring an umbrella today when I went to class and it started raining. I don't really care that I got wet, but there is this kid who lives on my floor that can't use his arms and is in a wheelchair. He can only use his fingers to push the buttons to make his wheelchair move. Well naturally, he can't hold an umbrella, and when I saw him pass by without one, I felt so mad at myself for forgetting mine. I would have walked with him to class. Of all people, he doesn't need to get wet.

Fuck me and fuck rain and fuck chem labs. Fuck it all.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Yeah so money again.

It always creeps up on me this time of the month when all my bills are due. AES decided to send me a surprise interest bill for this billing period which I can't afford. So I don't know what I'm going to do. Probably send it late and fuck up my credit. I should have known...they always manage to send me bills when I am hard up for cash.

So last night I didn't sleep much due to this issue. Then I had to wake up early for work, the bus didn't come for 45 minutes because it was late, and it was cold and I forgot a sweatshirt. This is not my day. I'll probably fuck up my chem experiment in lab too. Hopefully I'll get a partner who is having a great day to balance out the suckiness of mine.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Rain makes me sleepy. was such an effort getting up for class today. All I want to do is sleep, but I have too much to do.

How do I write a Spanish paper on my favorite article of clothing?

Mi camiseta de John Lennon?

Sunday, September 26, 2004

"Represent represent...Cuba! Let me introduce myself, CUBANA!" -Orishas

Sorry Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights is an awesome movie, and I love this song.

We watched the lightning storm come in as we sat on the steps in front of Barnes and Noble. We learned two important things last night: 1) there is a "type" of middle aged woman that resides in Jenkintown and that is "bitch," and also that Barnes and Noble is the hot spot for Jenkintown teenagers as it is open until 11 o'clock on Saturdays.

I love our conversations. Talking about everything from hot torrid affairs with Italian men, to travel dreams, to "my favorite science term," you rock chica!