Aimless But True Ramblings

These are the aimless, but true ramblings in this person's "so-called life."

Thursday, October 16, 2003

"It was easy when you were younger/ You could put it back together/ It was there if you ever wanted it/ But you closed the door and said good-bye for good." -Pete Yorn

Today's adventure was getting stuck in the elevator with the delivery guy. Luckily we figured out how to get it back to the ground floor and how to open the door. Note to self: burn some calories next time, and take the stairs. I had a Spanish today. Woohoo...Va la Espana! I finished it in twenty minutes so I left early, and got breakfast at the delightful place I call the SAC. Well everyone calls it the SAC.

Tell me though, are you Well Situated?

(See Brad...I shamelessly promoted your band...aren't you happy with me? :) )

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

I'm at work study right now. For some reason, today there was a lot more study than work. That's all I have to say right now. Maybe someday I'll start spouting intellectual essays, but for today, there will be no thinking involved.

Horoscope for today:

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Anything you think you can do by yourself you will be able to do even better with the help of someone else. Going it alone simply isn't your strong suit right now and even though you want to be seen as the 'independent one,' you're much better off accepting other people's help. Paying close attention to instructions is key and don't forget to read the fine print. Just because something isn't in written in bold letters doesn't mean that it isn't important, Leo!

I guess I should learn to read the fine print.

Monday, October 13, 2003

I don't give a shit if Arnold Schwartzenagger is a Nazi. I'm really getting tired of the crazies on campus shoving their literature in my face, like I care. I don't care about their views, and neither do most people who walk by. Keep it to yourself. If I wanted your goddamn opinion, I would beat it out of you.

Now that I read it, it seems a little harsh for me to say that, but let me clarify myself. I care about my friends' views, and how they see life, but these people aren't my friends. They are strangers, and they will stay that way if they keep polluting the air with their noise.

Thank you, and have a nice day.