Aimless But True Ramblings

These are the aimless, but true ramblings in this person's "so-called life."

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Well things have calmed down for a little while I guess. I finished my one final tonight (it was a paper) and I have another tomorrow which I will just put together before class.

What I really want right now is my own space. I am really getting tired of having to live by someone' else's rules when for two years I lived by my own. For two years, I did my dishes when I felt like it, cleaned when I had time, and no one nagged me to do it. Now I have my mother breathing down my neck 24/7. When I skip class, I have to make an excuse. When I sleep later than 9 on a weekday she wakes me up to ask me when I am going to school. I don't mind the chores because I have to earn my keep somehow and I know what the cost of living is, but she doesn't understand what finals week is, nor when I say I'll get around to doing something, I'll do it in my own time.

I miss having my own TV to watch cable on. I can't even watch the Phillies tonight because the two cable TVs are being used by my mom and my sister. I have my TV in my room but it doesn't have cable. My room isn't even mine anymore. Everything is Kathleen's. Everything she says is either explicitly or implicitly "My room or my car." Doesn't matter if I pay for the car and live here too.

I'm at the point where I am weighing my pros and cons on saving for a car or an apartment.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I'm royally fucked. My dad got bad news at work today which could mean anything from him being relocated to being laid off, I am overdrawn in my checking account by 8 bucks and owe PNC and extra 31 dollars now, I have two finals on Thursday, and my grandmom told my aunt she doesn't think she's going to make it til August.

If I get one more thing, I'm going to breakdown.