Aimless But True Ramblings

These are the aimless, but true ramblings in this person's "so-called life."

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Hello my loyal fans. I am just peachykeen today. I had work, a lesson, and then a piano recital to go to today. The recital went well despite the fact I was the only Gentile there, and they were all snobby pseudo smart people who really got on my nerves. At the moment I am at my cousin's house watching The Ring, which I have no desire to see, so instead I am "blogging." I really have a splitting headache, and I don't know if its from the weather or my cold or what, but I'm hoping my aunt has mad drugs here that I can take to ease my pain. Hell, I hope she has mad drugs for me to take every day to ease my pain. In two weeks, I have to go get a physical to start college, and boy, do I have tons of things to "chat" about with my doctor. For the sake of my male readers, I'll leave it at that. Well I bid you adeu for tonight, tomorrow is Mother's Day.

Friday, May 09, 2003

"Stressed spelled backwords is desserts." Yeah so I was stressed this week cause of my AP tests, and now it is time for dessert! :P I am free. Free of calculus, and essays, and least for a few weeks anyway. Then the cycle repeats itself again for college. I just voted for my friends' cousin's band at the Philly Music At Night Awards webpage. Apparently my uncle's band was also up for an award of Best Irish Band. I voted for them as well, even though everyone knows Blackthorn will win. It amazes me how everyone worships the ground those guys walk on, yet all they are is plastic paddy music. My uncle's band tries to get more traditional, along with the plastic. It's a pleasant mix. So anyway, if any of you out there have some time, vote for Erica's cousin's band, Blivit, and for her cousin Dave Palan, bass player. Then, vote for my uncle's band the Bogside Rogues under Best Irish Band. Here's the website:

"Thank you for your time, and your money." -Miss Kleoh (aka Tamara Thompson)

Rock Steady Roll Ready.

Sunday, May 04, 2003

So here it all goes. I'm gonna bitch today like I have never bitched before. I hate being me. I hate looking at me, and feeling like me, and having the life of me. I cannot take much more of this. It has to end sometime, why can't it all end now? There is no justice. I have been betrayed, used, and hurt like no other, so when is it my turn to have what they have? When is it my turn to be happy? They tell us in school we should be grateful for brings us closer to God. I'm sorry....but I am not feeling bloody grateful. Screw new direction. Vanilla Sky was a quick fix for what has been eating at me. I don't think I'll ever find the complete treatment for this pain.

"It is finished."