Aimless But True Ramblings

These are the aimless, but true ramblings in this person's "so-called life."

Thursday, October 23, 2003

I walked across campus and all I could feel was the cold wind on my face. My mind held no thoughts, other than to get warm, and my brisk walking pace was identical to those walking next to me. I never thought October could feel this cold. I never thought she would use her fading sunlight as a knife to cut across my face.

What flavor am I this week? I think I'm orange.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

The Bible according to Beth:
"And on the seventh day, God made Cinnamon Toast Crunch and coffee, and she saw that it was good. Very very good. And she said, "Yeah...go God!"

So my mom went to Acme today and found that they were having a sale on Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and when she came home, to what did my wondering eyes did appear, but three, yes three boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch! They were three for 7 dollars! I am so excited. You have no idea.

I had a conversation with Fr. Carl today about the joys of fall semester of freshman year. He told me something that I take to heart which I will share with you now..."If you make it to February without being institutionalized, you know you're gonna be ok." Gotta love Padre. Well I'm going to go enjoy my three boxes of Cinnamon Toast, I am not going to eat all of them in one night. It should take me like three nights to eat them! :P Ok, try three months.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

"It is easy to learn to start a new fire from an old one which is not yet quite out, and if a fire has seemed to be out for some time, it should be easy to learn to dig into the ashes to find an ember." -B.F. Skinner

My old fire has finally returned. The hippie in me is back, and I want to get involved again. All this stems from my anthro class last night that taught me a thing or two about globalization I never knew before. Anyway, I'm going to go to some rallys and get involved with some groups here on campus. Hopefully, I will be able to chain myself to something and get arrested. It's so good to finally feel again.

Monday, October 20, 2003

At the moment, I'm wishing it wasn't such a "manic Monday." I really "wish it was Sunday...cause that's my fun day." For some reason, every Monday I seem to quote this song. I need to find more songs that have the names of the days of the week in them.

I have a picture that someone gave me above my computer. It's a photograph of a sunset over a lake with mountains to the side. It's very peaceful. I wish I was peaceful like Bethany who is asleep at the moment. I'm kind of mad at John Mayer right now. First of all, his new cd is not so great with only ten tracks and only a few of them ar kind of good. Second, I am listening to the "Channeling Other Musicians," and he totally disses my man Dave Matthews. The funny thing is....John Mayer reminds most people of Dave Matthews. Dave Matthews came first, so Johnny you are totally biting off of Dave. So don't be dissing him. Yeah. That's right. Anyway, I'm gonna take my angry self and listen to some more music. I will leave you with that.