I spent the majority of the night contemplating Gyorgy Ligeti's Lux Aeterna. From the very first time I heard this piece there was something that struck me about it, something that touched me from my very carnal core. Something that was unholy. Listening tonight only proved my first instinct right. That somehow, Ligeti, in this dissonant masterpiece, created something that reveals the human existance.
Still, I am frightened by this piece. It scares me, and I have to take deep breaths to keep myself from changing it on my ipod. The music is that powerful.
Still, I am frightened by this piece. It scares me, and I have to take deep breaths to keep myself from changing it on my ipod. The music is that powerful.
1 Notes:
because of my sweet latin skillz, i know that lux aeterna is eternal light.
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