Someone broke into my old grade school this morning and pulled the fire alarm at 6:30 in the morning. On Christmas Eve, someone checked out the book, "The Stalker" in a kid in my sister's class's name. Either my grade school has some huge and intelligent mice, or there are some incredibly bored and stupid high school kids in Cheltenham. C'mon a fire alarm? I think the mice would have come up with something better.
Obviously, you kids are so rich that you can afford to waste mommy and daddy's money to pay for your underage drinking habits, instead of using it to better your time and your mind. I wish I had some of that. Since you have so much, toss it my way, and it will go to something useful--like COLLEGE!
Get a clue.
Obviously, you kids are so rich that you can afford to waste mommy and daddy's money to pay for your underage drinking habits, instead of using it to better your time and your mind. I wish I had some of that. Since you have so much, toss it my way, and it will go to something useful--like COLLEGE!
Get a clue.
3 Notes:
you REALLY want to throw up a little in your mouth? visit my high school. it's even FURTHER in the suburbs, and the kids are even richer and more bored. my fellow classmates were shocked--SHOCKED--that i didn't have my own car or a CD player in 1994.
Not all us Cheltenham kids are rich wastes or drinkers! I've got zilch money and could use some of it myself to get out of here. How's it going with you beth? peace.
Hey girl, found your Blog and decided to harass you a bit. :) I see things are going well for you and Dustin (rock on) so I hope all else is well, too! I miss you much, so {{{Hugs}}} and {{{Kisses}}}.
~Gina (yes, your mother has found you!!!) :) Muahz!
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