Aimless But True Ramblings

These are the aimless, but true ramblings in this person's "so-called life."

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

This just in from the Asians: quotes of the week

"I know they were probably thinking, how come these Asians can't find Chinatown?" -Olivia

Olivia: What books do you need?
Gloria: Well I have to get a lot for IH: Plato, Machievelli, oh and hey did you know that there was something called the Korean bible?
Olivia: I think that's the Qu'ran.

Subway car driver on the Broad Street Line: Do you ladies know what stop you are looking for?
Olivia: The Broad Street Line
Subway car driver: Uhh
Olivia: I mean Temple University!

Temple students: they're just smarter.