John Ritter and Johnny Cash are dead. You have no idea how upset I am today. I grew up with John Ritter! I remember when he was on the Muppet's Tonight show, and from re-runs of Three's Company (ok, I'm not that old).
Film is a mass manipulation with pre-determined reactions for the audience. Paintings provide an individual experience. Feeling the sublime is knowing that something is bigger and more than what we can imagine, but yet we are still safe from the fear of the unknown we hold inside of us. Just a few notes from English.
Yeah, I skipped Acoustics today. First time in my life I have ever skipped a class. Look what college is doing to me!
Film is a mass manipulation with pre-determined reactions for the audience. Paintings provide an individual experience. Feeling the sublime is knowing that something is bigger and more than what we can imagine, but yet we are still safe from the fear of the unknown we hold inside of us. Just a few notes from English.
Yeah, I skipped Acoustics today. First time in my life I have ever skipped a class. Look what college is doing to me!
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