Sleep.....excellent. I love sleep. It has to be my favorite hobby in the world. Anyway, isn't it a wonderful day? Not even hot enough for air conditioning. Tonight I'm supposed to go to my friend's boyfriend's basketball game. Should be a rockin good time. (I reaize I say this catch phrase a lot too will pass, I promise.) There's no one to talk to right now online, so therefore I am incredibly bored. I started to read Lovely Bones today by Alice Sebold. Interesting book....kind of freaky, but still interesting. It kills me to read good books. I wish I could write like that. All my life I've held this dream to be a writer, yet I never have the inspiration or the drive. Senior year AP English kind of forced those aspirations out of me again. I know one thing, I want to minor in journalism in college. Definitely not major in it, because by far, it is too competitive for me, but still I could do some freelance pieces occasionally.
Apparently Mormon crickets are invading the west. So for all my dear readers out there who are planning a trip out warned. They will get you.
Apparently Mormon crickets are invading the west. So for all my dear readers out there who are planning a trip out warned. They will get you.
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